Sugar skull fashion photo shoot

Sugar Skull Fashion photoshoot

I recently had the opportunity to go out and photograph a fashion photo shoot, the theme was sugar skulls. For those who don’t know what sugar skulls are, it is a tradition from Mexico celebrating the Day of the Dead. Sugar skulls are made from sugar and highly decorated with coloured sugar to celebrate the Mexican tradition of Day of the Dead (Feria del Alfeñique) Every year from mid-October til the beginning of November.

So I think that’s enough history of where the sugar skull originated from, now onto the fun stuff the photos. I must say it is a bit different from my normal wedding photography but who knows I could be asked to do a sugar skull wedding.

Big thank you to all of the models

Samantha Flavell
Reese Stuart
Shannon Eleanor
Aimee-louise Crossley
Howard Sinclair
Wednesday s
Heather brenkley
Aaron Bailey
Jodie Victoria
Charlie Lapworth

Also a big thank you goes out to the MUAs

Elizabeth Hopkins
Charlie Lapworth
Jon Nurse
Leeta D’Araujo

PGD Photography Studios

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